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Home Inspector Bootcamp – Signup

Welcome to the Professional Home Inspector Boot Camp Sign-up Page

The Professional Home Inspector Boot Camp is a free online course offering marketing, report writing, and technical training for home inspectors. Boot camp lessons are sent by email every few days. Lessons include introductory videos from certified inspector and InspectCheck founder Dave Clark, slide presentations that you can read at your own pace, and supplementary materials (e.g., handouts, videos, etc.) that support each lesson.

The boot camp is divided into two parts:

  • Part 1: Lessons 1-5 are designed for new or prospective home inspectors to help you learn about the home inspection industry, how to get started, and whether it is the right career for you. If you are a new or prospective inspector, you should start with Part 1 and then move on to Part 2.
  • Part 2: Lessons 6-15 are intended for more experienced inspectors. They focus on building your brand and marketing your business to clients and realtors. If you are an experienced inspector, you should start with Part 2.

Sign up now and get started with the free training today!

Boot Camp Part 1 and Part 2 Lessons

Part 1 Lessons:

  • 1 – The Home Inspector Pitch
  • 2 – Understanding the Inspection Industry
  • 3 – Home Inspector Training
  • 4 – Start Your Own Business or Work for Someone Else? 
  • 5 – Business Expenses

Part 2 Lessons: 

  • 6 – Marketing Fundamentals
  • 7 – Develop Your Brand
  • 8 – Develop a Social Media Presence
  • 9 – Develop a Webpage
  • 10 – Engaging with Current Clients
  • 11 – Engaging with Recent Clients
  • 12 – Communicating with Past Clients
  • 13 – Connecting with Realtors and Business Contacts
  • 14 – Word-of-Mouth Marketing Techniques
  • 15 – Out-of-the-Box Marketing & Paid Advertising
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